The Cassida 85 is the perfect choice for your high-volume money counting needs. Manufactured with durable steel components, it's designed to offer continued use through years of operation. Its super-high capacity 1,000 bill hopper makes quick work of counting large volumes of cash and its digital display will offer a count of up to 9,999 bills! The Cassida 85 also offers 3 counting speeds, faster for new bills and slower for worn bills, so no matter the condition of your currency it will be able to count it. The batch mode allows for custom batches to be set from 0 to 999. Count plus batch will keep a running tally of your total count while also stopping the count each time the batch limit is reached.
For added security, the 85 UV model includes an ultraviolet counterfeit detection system. The 85 UV/MG model includes both ultraviolet and magentic ink detection systems.