The steel mesh wasn’t the only change for the H500PMesh Front Panel. There’s a convenient new clip on thetop of the panel that keeps it secure if your case needsto be moved.
A modified frame, that adds a horizontal bar midwaythrough, offers further support and sturdiness. There’salso a finer screen behind the mesh that is purposed asa dust filter.
Breathe easier when pushing your system to the limitwith the H500P Mesh Front Panel.
Hexagon-shaped steel mesh made tomaximize airflow: Turn on the RGB fans tolight up the hexagon design of the mesh. Thepattern accents the industrial lines of the H500Pwhile offering maximized airflow.
Quick release clip allows for hassle-freeremoval & installation: Snap the panel in toinstall and push down from the top to remove. Ifthe case needs to be moved, rest assured thatthe panel is secure.
Massive grill showcases your build: Form andfunction in mind, the grill allows for efficientairflow and looks great while doing it.
Quick release clip allows for hassle-freeremoval & installation: Snap the panel into install and push down from the top toremove. If the case needs to be moved, restassured that the panel is secure.
Hexagon-shaped steel mesh made tomaximize airflow: Turn on the RGB fans tolight up the hexagon design of the mesh.The pattern accents the industrial lines of theH500P while offering maximized airflow.