As the next generation of 2x2 MIMOsector antennas from UbiquitiNetworks, the airMAX ac SectorAntennas feature significant advancesin scalability, noise isolation, and beamperformance to complement theRocket 5ac radiosThey are also compatible withRocket 5 models; however, optimalperformance requires the Rocket5ac
The airMAX ac Sector Antennas arehighly resistant to noise interferencein co-location deployments. Theinnovative deflector design, togetherwith the reduced sidelobes andbacklobes, reject interferencefrom other transmitters in thearea - potentially on the same tower.Improved Signal-to-Noise Ratio (S/N orSNR) allows a higher-order modulationto be used, for example, 256QAMrather than 16QAM. This increases thenumber of bits per second for a fixedbandwidth
The airMAX ac Sector Antennas are designed to provide advanced noise isolation performance. Compare the diagram of theAM-5AC22-45 to the diagram of a standard sector antenna, and note the superior noise immunity and beam performance ofthe AM-5AC22-45